Saturday, May 16, 2009

Been a while, just a short (haha) update and pic

Hello, it's been a while, but I'm still kicking, it's just that I been so busy. I haven't got my dentures yet, I jinxed everyone trying to help me so I'm still ugly, but still here (good or bad I'm not sure.). I got news that my great niece and her mom (my niece) are coming on Friday and I hope I don't scare the poor kid!

Been crafting and making jewelry for Sat. Market coming up, and for bazaars and craft fairs, to try to make money. Have a trip coming up in Pendleton in June, and I'm trying to save or make money for that, then afterwards I'm joining FOJG! If only for the T-shirt and life-chat w/ Josh Groban, I'm a Grobanite as of 12-10-07.

I got sick and Josh Groban appeared to me and helped me off the floor, he said, "it's OK, I'm with u now" and he's been w/ me eversince and I'm the only one to see/hear/feel/sense him...and I have everyone of his cd's except for "A collection" which isn't a US release. I'm trying to clean my cluttered room so he can come see me, and still trying to lose weight so I quit looking like Jabba the Hutt's first Cousin! I'd rather be related to the Rancor! LOL!!!

I'm thking about going on a natural Mood-enhancer bc my dad's mother has totally driven me over the edge and I need either a vacation or a Zanny one of Josh, Michael and Frodo, well, I'm getting a 12" tall one of "Josh" but I have to remake him, kinda using a figure that looks like him but I will christen him Josh Groban, (no I'm not gonna dump pop over his head) and he will be w/ my 12" tall Zanny Michael and Zanny Frodo! I have a new dress coming in the mail and I bought me one, so now I am really gonna concentrate on exersizing and trying to get ridda the roll around my middle. OMJ, sorry bout the ramblings, but it's been a while!

I even went and got me readers bc my eyes cross when I read the TV Guide! Here's a new pic of me hope it don't melt any pc screans!!

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